DreamLight Verttice Development Team Game Concept: Michael Scaramozzino, Eric Dubois, Eric Streeter Art Direction: Michael Scaramozzino Game Graphics & Animation: Eric Dubois Programming: Michael Scaramozzino Opening Logo Animation: Eric Streeter Sound Effects: Eric Paul Meier, Ann White Documentation: Eric Dubois Beta Testers: Colin Murphy, Brad Foltz, Dan Casey, Ron April, Peter Brown This project is dedicated to the memory of Phillip J. Scaramozzino Afterword: Dear Verttice Recruit; The Verttice development team put in many late nights and weekends over the course of two years to bring you this high quality production. We hope you enjoy it...and register it so we can produce more top notch titles. Thank You.   Michael Scaramozzino, President/Creative Director DreamLight Incorporated PS. Hope to see you on the DreamLight WebSite © Copyright 1993-1995 DreamLight Incorporated, All Rights Reserved. No derivative works may be based upon any content including the game DreamLight Verttice, without express written consent of DreamLight Incorporated. DreamLight, DreamLight Visions, Verttice, DreamBits, NightLight, PixelPalette, the DreamLight logo and the PixelPalette logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of DreamLight Incorporated. All other names and logos are trademarks of their respective owners. This electronic publication is provided as-is. DreamLight makes no warranties whatsoever regarding this product, this document or any information contained herein.